ehBook is a tool
For share structured documents

You can share with your friends or with anyone who works to create and document growth.
A document that change over time.
Always updated and available.

  • It's very social :-)
    ehBook will allow you to share with Your friends and/or co-workers A your structured document and update All, progress of work.
  • It's really easy to use
    A single tool to write, read, organize, share, structure, communicate, distribute.
  • It's always and everywhere available
    Consult and update the document at any time and wherever you are.
  • It's very safe
    It's "open" ... but how much you decide.
    For each individual document, decide who can read, write, delete and organize the structure.
  • It's much SEO
    If the document is public, ehBook optimizes it for the search engines
  • It's not a document in the "classic" sense ! It's different...
    If you have this need there is Word, Excel and then Google Docs, Open office, etc...
    You have online tools to choose from, but not like this.

How can you help ehBook

There are many reasons why ehBook can become your irreplaceable partner.
Surely you will never lose control of the document and its update again.
Especially if it is upgraded by multiple people
see what you can do:

  • Books and manuals

    ehBook is the maximum to write manuals, is born at the beginning for this requirement. Share the collaborative writing of a book or a manual.

  • Projects

    To check all the projects that need to be followed at various stages (from planning to execution) from customers and suppliers.

  • Help for sites and applications

    To bind to a site or an application help online easily. And update it quickly to every application change

  • Or maintenance event log

    To keep records of maintenance, in situations where it is necessary to remember and documentaredeterminati events. Through the API, you can send data from external applications to associate with the document.

  • Appunti e note

    To handle just notes and notes on specific issues: for example someone uses it to keep the list of logins and passwords for all sites.

  • Really for the social

    To keep and share an association meeting or a general meeting.
    Are you a nonprofit?
    ehBook is free.

ehBook-share your knowledge

A reliable partner to help you manage documentation in work or leisure.